
SynoCommunity包FFmpeg特定常见问题解答.FFmpeg提供了一组命令行工具来处理音频和视频媒体文件。命令位于/usr/local/ffmpeg/bin,以及其他包需要的库 ...,ffmpegv4.3.1-35isthelastversionthatIfind,butitdoesntworkin7.0beta.IsthereanythatworksorcanIinstallitotherwise?,I'vejustupgradedtheffmpegcapabilitiesonmySynologyNASbyinstallingSynoCommunity'slatestversionofffmpeg.Noissueswiththe ...,IhaveaSynologyDiskSt...


SynoCommunity 包FFmpeg 特定常见问题解答. FFmpeg提供了一组命令行工具来处理音频和视频媒体文件。 命令位于/usr/local/ffmpeg /bin,以及其他包需要的库 ...

DSM 7.0 FFmpeg

ffmpeg v4.3.1-35 is the last version that I find, but it doesnt work in 7.0 beta. Is there any that works or can I install it otherwise?

Seem unable to use MinimStreamer with Syno Community's version ...

I've just upgraded the ffmpeg capabilities on my Synology NAS by installing Syno Community's latest version of ffmpeg. No issues with the ...

FFmpeg 6 update - SynoCli Video Drivers??? : rsynology

I have a Synology DiskStation that has FFmpeg that needs to be updated, however the update fails with the following message: FFmpeg 6: Please install the ...

[分享] FFmpegWithDTS 讓Synology Video Station 支援DTS 音軌

一般→允許安裝套件發行者,設置為Synology Inc.及受信任的發布者。 套件來源→新增,鍵入名稱:SynoCommunity 位置: ... 下載ffmpeg 連結 上下 ...

[Package Request] FFmpeg7 with SynoCli Video Drivers · Issue #6266

The FFmpeg 7 package is now independent of the SynoCli Video Drivers, allowing for easier maintenance and quicker updates.

ffmpeg download not working · Issue #5421 · SynoCommunityspksrc

I use ffmpeg to download tv show streams. On DSM 7.1-42661 this used to work fine, but recently I upgraded to 7.1.1-42962 and files downloaded won't play on ...

Having issues download update to FFmpeg 4 from Synocommunity

I'm running DSM 7.0 and I'm trying to download the v4.4.4-49 update of FFmpeg 4, but when I do it takes a long time and eventually results in  ...

FFmpeg 7 v7.0.2-1

FFmpeg 7 v7.0.2-1. FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the ...

FFmpeg 6 v6.0.1-5

FFmpeg 6 v6.0.1-5. FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the ...